A little Boomer nostalgia here. We used to play the license plate game on road trips. You remember, looking for a car from every state as we drove along. It was easier back then because every state had just one license plate – two colors, either a dark background with light letters and numerals or a light background with dark letters and numerals. Rumor had it that the states had their license plates cut and stamped by the inmates in their penitentiaries.
Advanced players in the license plate game could also cite the state motto that was stamped onto many of the state plates. We knew exactly where we were if we traveled across America’s Dairyland to 10,000 Lakes, from the Empire State to the Keystone State, the Heart of Dixie to the Peach State, or the Evergreen State to Famous Potatoes.
Wyoming did not have a state motto on its license plate, but they had that famous cowboy on his bucking bronco. Was there one inmate whose job it was to stamp that cowboy onto every plate? Continue reading