It’s been a cold winter in Northeast Indiana, and though our snowfall is a bit below average, we’ve had enough that we’ve needed to keep the snow shovel handy.
As is the case in many places, our municipal code requires accumulated snow to be removed from the sidewalks in front of our houses within 24 hours after the storm has ended its dump. I’m usually out within an hour, which is not the case with many of our neighbors. It seems that some of our neighbors have adopted the snow removal philosophy we often heard when we lived in the real snow country of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan – “spring will come soon enough.”
I make no apologies for my fastidious adherence to the municipal code. Getting the snow off the sidewalks and driveway is not only the right thing to do, it is the safe thing to do.
My problem is not our snow-free concrete. My problem is my humility-free attitude. Like someone with a “Love Spoken Here” lawn sign, I use our clean sidewalks to signal my virtue as compared to my neighbors with the icy and slushy mess they call their driveway and sidewalks. Continue reading