For the past several weeks Becky and I have been streaming a French detective show. While they have given it an (odd) English title, the dialogue remains in French with English subtitles. So much for multi-tasking.
Though I once disastrously took a couple of semesters of French in college, and though we spent a wonderful week in Paris a few years past, my ability with French is limited, to say the least. When we started watching Season 1 of our show the dialogue was a slur of background noise. Now, well into Season 6, I am able to distinguish individual words and even understand a few of them beyond “merci” and “bon jour.” But, please, don’t turn off the English subtitles.
We have a friend in Brazil whose command of English is quite impressive. I asked him once how he had learned our language. “Reruns of ‘Friends,’” he answered. It’s going to take more than seven seasons of our detective show for me to get past “Je ne sais pas,” however. Any recommendations for good French reruns to stream? Continue reading