Becky and I are on our way to Ephrata, Washington, as this edition of the E-pistle is posted or sent. We’re looking forward to a wonderful few days, and, for once, “once in a lifetime” is the perfect – and accurate – description of what the weekend holds in store.
Ephrata, Washington, is the new hometown for our son Christopher, his wife Katie, and their four children. Six good reasons to visit Ephrata anytime. Our seventh good reason to visit this last weekend in October, 2018, is that Christopher will be ordained as a Teaching Elder in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, and installed as Pastor of Family Life at the Community Church of Ephrata, a growing and vibrant EPC church in central Washington.
Becky and I travel as very proud parents and as much amazed by God’s wondrous ways as we are proud. Who would have thought? Christopher’s call to ministry has unfolded over the past seven years and is hardly a matter of going into dad’s business. It surprised us all.
In addition to traveling as a proud dad, I am going to Ephrata as a pastor privileged to preach the sermon at Christopher’s ordination service. Proud parents. Preaching pastor. I told you, once in a life time.
The text I have chosen for the ordination sermon is 1 Kings 19:19-21, the story of Elisha’s call as Elijah’s assistant and, in time, his successor. I won’t say much more about the sermon until after I have preached it, other than to say Elisha’s call is confirmed as Elijah “casts his cloak upon him.” The King James Version calls it Elijah’s mantle. On Sunday Christopher will have the mantle of pastoral ministry cast upon him. Becky and I get to be there. Once in a lifetime.
For several years, I have heard God’s voice speaking through Psalm 16, and verse 6 in particular:
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.
Every life has its share of discouragement and sorrow – and, yes, some more than others. But life with God is always good in ways no other life can be. Our weekend in Ephrata will be in a pleasant place and shared with a delightful inheritance.