December 29 – Our Help in Ages Past

They will be everywhere for the next few days. It may be best to ignore the majority of them. You know, those “year in review” reports at your favorite news source, on social media, or in whatever niche your special interest happens to lie. I looked at the NBC News Year In Review and found in depressing. 2017 was not bad on all fronts, however. I once bought Becky a gift from a knitting supply company and found myself on their mailing list. I’m not kidding, there’s a “Knitting Year In Review” post they’ve invited me to view. It turns out that 2017 was a pretty good year in the world of knitting.

But what about your world, knitter or not? As you look back on 2017, what do you see?  “Our God, help in ages past, our hope for years to come,” Isaac Watts writes in his paraphrase of psalm 90.  How did you see God’s helping, sustaining, joy-giving, sorrow-comforting, hope-inspiring presence in this year now nearly past?

I would love to hear stories of God at work in 2017.  Would you be willing to share one or more with me?  You can text, Facebook Message, or email me (LPC readers who read the email version of this post can simply reply to the email). 

Unless you say otherwise, I will alter your stories for anonymity sake and then post some of the responses – an encouragement for those of us who journeyed with Christ through 2017.