September 16 – So, tell me about your church


“So, tell me about your church?” He asked the question in the midst of small talk; we were just making conversation, but he seemed genuinely interested in hearing a little bit about LPC. However, our meeting would start soon and I did not want to impose too much on his kind interest in our church. I’d need to keep it short.

For years business people, sales reps, advocates for this cause or that, have used the phrase “elevator speech” to describe that short explanation of what we’re selling or doing, diligently working for or passionately believing in. What would you say about LPC if you had someone’s ear only for as long as it takes the elevator to get you to the seventh floor? Assuming a slow elevator and fairly fast talker, you have about 150 words.

I don’t recall exactly what I told my colleague right before the meeting started, but I have been thinking about it. What should I say? What do I want to say? 150 words.

LPC is a good place and great group of people. I think we really try to take Christ seriously. Bible study and Christ-centered worship are important to us. We want to know God as he has revealed himself, not just a god of our imagining. Families and children matter at LPC and we put a lot of energy into helping parents be good parents as they nurture faith and love in their kids. Our youth group provides a place where kids can experience love and belonging and learn about God. We care for each other. As best we can, we try to be sure that no one gets lost or ignored. We believe that God loves the whole world, and so we try to reflect that love in our mission programs – they’re pretty amazing – and as our members live their lives in their Monday to Friday worlds. Thanks for asking.

150 words. The elevator bell just rang. Seventh floor.

If we had a few more seconds walking down the hall to our meeting room, I might add that we’re not perfect and we don’t always live up to our high calling. Oh, and if it seemed as if they might be interested, I think I’d invite them to LPC some Sunday morning or Thursday evening.

What would you say about LPC on the way to the seventh floor?

As we continue our journey into the confusing, sometimes discouraging world of the 21st Century, it’s important that we know who we are, whose we are, and what we’re called to be. When we contemplate change, will it be for the sake of change alone, or will it help us be and do more of who and what God is calling us to do and be? When we decide to stand firm, will it be for the sake of our witness to the gospel or because the past seems safer than the present or the future?

LPC really is a good place and a great group of people. We serve an amazing God. What a joy to be at this good place and among this great group of people. And, its true, we don’t always live up to our high calling. God of grace, help us lift our drooping hands and strengthen our weak knees (Hebrews 12:12).

Sometimes conversations last longer than the time it takes to get to the seventh floor. What would I say in 300 words? 500 words? Would my colleague hear the joy in my voice, the hope in my words, the excitement there is in living for Christ and in his church?

What would you say? I’d love to read your 150 words. Feel free to send me a copy.

See you Sunday!