Daily Archives: August 9, 2019

August 9 – Change?! Guidelines for Grumbling

The ordinary worship of God includes: the reverent and attentive reading of the Scriptures,17 the sound preaching18 and conscientious hearing of the word in obedience to God with understanding and faith;19 singing of psalms with grace in the heart;20 and the proper administration and right receiving of the sacraments instituted by Christ.21

Westminster Confession of Faith

You can’t miss them.  We’ve posted signs all over of the church building reminding us of a change in our Sunday worship schedule this coming fall, September 8, to be exact.  Each Sunday we will offer two wonderful opportunities for God’s people to worship together – at our 8:30 Chapel service, and then at a 10:00 a.m. Sanctuary service.  So, what’s the change and why the change?

Don’t look for a lot of change in Chapel worship.  Oh, we hope to see a new banner in corner pretty soon, but otherwise, the Chapel and its windows will still be beautiful, and our worship will center on the Word read and preached and the singing of some of the great hymns of the church. Continue reading