Daily Archives: February 22, 2008

E-pistle February 22

i. 30 Hours to change the world

ii. Let’s Talk

30-hour-famine.gifFor sixteen years, youth from across America and now the world have participated in something called The 30-Hour Famine (click here and browse for more information) sponsored by World Vision, the Christian relief organization.  To date they have raised over $100 million.  This year a half million teens in the U.S., Canada and elsewhere are expected to raise $12.5 million to combat hunger and its causes.  But a lot more than money has been raised over the years.  Awareness of global hunger and poverty has been raised.  And, for some, faith in Jesus Christ as the one who sends us into the world to feed the hungry and calls us to himself to have our hungry hearts fed has also been raised. 

The 30-Hour Famine has been an LPC event for more than a dozen years, and in many ways it is the hallmark event for the entire year of youth programming.  Barb Chase expects over 140 kids from our church and community and a couple of other partner churches to join us in this year’s famine. Continue reading